This is again one of my favorite pieces. I don't know by whom it is, but I have loved reading it always and now I know well what these words mean..
When I'll be dead, your tears may flow,
But I won't know,
Cry for me now, Instead!!
When I'll be dead, you will send me flowers,
But I won't see,
Send them now, Instead!!
When I'll be dead, you will say words of praise,
But I won't hear
Praise me now, Instead!!
When I'll be dead, you will forgive my faults,
But I won't know
Forget them now, Instead!!
When I'll be dead, you will miss me then
But I won't feel
So, miss me now, Instead!!
When I'll be dead, you would wish then
you could have spent more time with me,
Spent it with me now, Instead!!
Why can't we love the living, instead of crying for the dead. While alive, we are always finding faults with others, blaming them, cursing them, be selfish, hardly saying any good words. We should learn to praise someone, tell people what they mean to us, tell them how special they are, what place they have in our lives, how grateful we are to them that they are a part of our lives. Life's strange and cruel, you never know you will keep all this in your heart and might never get a chance to say it. So, say it, show it and do it today itself, because tomorrow never comes.