They stole it,
The smile of her lips;
The smile
That used to linger unceasingly.
Reflecting in her eyes
The limpidness of her heart.
The smile 
That lessened the suffering
Of the ones,
Who used to gaze at her
With pain and agony.
It’s gone now
Miles away.
Never to come back
Never to be the apparel
Of those rosy beauties,
To conceal behind it
The miseries of her own heart.

My other self talks to me
Amidst the silence of these lonely nights,
My other self talks to me of events and days undefined.
Of the time wen I used to feel so blue,
Where nothing was fair 
N nothing was true
I was kicked, I was stabbed 
I was hurt, I was nagged.
Of cynicism I developed over the years,
For the world was nothing but just so weird.
Of the moments of smiles
And the days of tears
Of the wonderful times that were so very near...
I enjoy these conversations that make me feel so full of flesh,
For who knows me better,
Than my other self..

Celebrating silence
That has engulfed my heart,
The voices
Muddling up in my head
Unable to find an escape.
Stoic me
Turning down all the ways
To complacency.
What a test of patience,
Feelings buried deep inside
The ground of expectations.
Waking up from the reverie,
Landing foot deep in reality,
My soul weep in an unknown land,
With dreams of wandering
Holding a loving hand...

Beneath the shadow of burning time
There lies many stories undefined.

Stories of laughter
Stories of pain
Stories of loss 
Stories of gain.

Stories woven with smiles and fears
Stories which give you
Nothing but tears.

Each story is distinctive,
Where memories rewind.
Plays with your heart 
Makes you lose your mind.

Some get ears,
While some just make their way 
Silently through the eyes.

From the skies above
Descends a maiden sublime,
Laden with Pearls
And the aura so divine.

Slowly she made her way
Through those dusty lanes.

Who was she?
What was it
That made the
Beauty of such
Class and grandeur
Walk those pebbled roads?
Wondered each soul.

What was it
That her eyes
Searched for?
A prince?
A sage?
Or a man
Equally divine?
It was beyond the reach of
Mortals to comprehend.

A mystery
She was,
Awaiting to be explored
A riddle
To be solved,
A question
Waiting to be answered.
A desire 
She was
Of every eye that followed.

And she,
She left them all
Only to disappear
Into those
Thick white clouds.

Looking for a new abode
Searching a new destination,
Deserving and peaceful.

Eyes met
Words ceased to come out,
Emotions traveled
right from the heart
to be reflected through spark in the eyes
And smile on the lips.
How beautiful can be the voice of silence
All was expressed
Noting was said…

I have told you this a 100 times for now,
yet I will say innumerous times more
Nothing I hold in my heart for you,
Nothing but love.

Every bit of it is true,
Every feeling,
Every emotion,
Every word I say to you.

Your smile is a reason to hope
Your eyes, holds the answer to every question in my heart
Your touch, a doorway to heaven
Your words, soothing eternal music,
melodious enough to travel all the way to my soul.
Your presence, the reason behind every smile 
that adorns my lips. 

I can hear our hearts beating fast
When our bodies come in unison
The smell of your skin,
The sound of your breath,
The way you caress
My fragile heart

Enough reasons you have,
to keep me going
With your presence.
Enough reasons I have,
to not stop myself
from falling in love
with nothing and noone
but you..